Tokujin Yoshioka's 'Tornado' installation in 2008

thought about some intimate space with chaotic composition... and found this again.
interactive spatial environment simply created by straws ( of course millions of straws...).

soft but concrete.. intensely arranged but with extremely light stacking position...


所以最好既方法就係跳落去囉... 即係你見到個火坑呢... 跳落去!咁你咪會知道囉...



natural (biological?) study.. translation into recognizable goal in architecture.

parametric design? broccoli...

'... This is essentially a 19th-century concept, even if human decision-making has been replaced by computational decision-making. Natural systems are quite different. Most sensing, decision-making and reactions are entirely local, and global behavior is the product of local actions. This is true across all scales, from small plants to large mammals. When we run for bus, we do not have to make any conscious decisions to accelerate our heartbeat, increase breathing rate and volume, or to open our pores to regulate the higher internal temperatures generated...'

-Biodynamics / Emergence:Morphogenetic Design Strategies, AD / Emergence and Design Group


paddling home in hong kong

by Kacey Wong -> visual artist in hong kong.

WTF!!! awesome!! the ultimate success of social and political translation...

'The local real estate commercial often boast their property have 180 degree view of the harbour and now my property finally beats them all since my apartment have 360 degree sea view.'

said by Kacey.

snow shape and norsk kid


Favela do Pilar Canopy, 2006

mid Kamvari, Asif Khan, Pavlos Sideris - Morpho-Ecologies @ Dip4 Architectural Association, & André Moraes, Cynthia Pereira and Adryana Rozendo - University of Recife, 2006

work by students of michael, membrance spaces in shantytown - informal and communal conditions.

it's so great about the injection of irregular flexible but kind of technological evolved constituents into this causal situation. and the informality creates union effect to the town with no communal regularity.

and the yellow rocks!



going back to hamar in winter

21 jan


The Unilever Series: Miroslaw Balka

The Unilever Series: Miroslaw Balka

[how it is] in tate modern.
darkness, fear..

eyes - the sensuous organ which gradually rules the entire body sensation in the recent decades, were being shut off in the installation... you can see nothing but darkness, which always be defined as nothingness..... wow it's just too awesome, non-visual awesomeness!


system thinking

media station in deichmanske library, oslo

made by students from AHO, HFG, as well as collaborators from OCEAN.
initiated as a system-thinking design process, the geometry was a result from extensive research system.

great geometry and very comfortable interior spatial composition, resulting nice environment or sound. but the seat is a bit far away from the screen and the touch-screen really sucks.


Million Donkey Hotel

Million Donkey Hotel - Prata Sannita (I)

Prata Sannita (I) / feld72


Art Wars Hong Kong vs. Singapore

art follows money in hk, they came for the money and investment.. without injecting art or creative industry into lifestyle, and without the local art scene and community as initiator... paying hkd500 to watch a drama or orchestra will still be the way to appreciate art.

can that actually be regarded as a fight? the two places are in totally different perspectives.

A 1989 Singapore government report cited the "importance of culture and the arts" not only as tools for nation-building and to generate revenue for the tourism and entertainment industries, but to "enhance our quality of life."....

...In 2007, Hong Kong became the world's third-largest auction market after New York and London, partly because of its proximity to mainland China and the emergence of China's deep-pocketed collectors. That put Hong Kong firmly on the global art-commerce map...."

The Wall Street Journal


天安門肉身擋坦克男 谷歌中國重見天日

(法新社)2010年1月13日 星期三 19:50

法新社北京13日電) 網路搜尋巨擘「谷歌」(Google)矢言違抗中國網路審查數小時後,中國谷歌」(Google.cn)今天能搜尋到攝於1989年天安門事件,為當局所禁的「坦克男」照片。




達賴喇嘛(Dalai Lama)及遭禁的宗教團體法輪功等敏感主題的搜尋結果也重現谷歌,但在某些中國入口網站也能找到它們。

中國當局藉由龐大的審查系統,來阻擋它所認定的政治不正確資訊。這個系統被戲稱「中國防火長城」(the Great Firewall of China)。







Production Company: Film master, Milan Director: Donato Sansone Creative, director, producer, DP, editor, illustrator: Donato Sansone Sound: Enrico Ascoli ISTANBUL FESTIVAL


