OMA has invaded our world...
and it started to invade my society...
what the fuck?!??!
should we be so happy about this prestigious oma building all over my society? or shall i be more critical to what they have done.
by building these challenging but generic architecture, it did improve the quality of design somehow but maybe in a way it did deprive the right of local cultural and image survival... i am not sure..
but is that the trend for building such generic landmark? we can no longer differentiate the museums in japan from usa, or distinguish the theatres in korea from holland.... we can just remember the differences.
it's not oma fault but it's ours. they just always intended to build extreme building with most efforts on architectural challenges... why don't we have new questions in our mind to challenge theses gesture? or it's because everyone did just simply accept them with no doubt and let it be the part of our life?
ok look at the chu hai college, it's kind of nice for the rendering but i doubt can it be really true for all the external activities and atmosphere? by studying a bit more on the cultural identity and behavior in hong kong we can know we are not so used to the huge plaza like this, esp. it's always humid and wet, and the students are actually running across all the time for lessons..... we have something similar in the university of hong kong but i have never sat on that stairs but the starbucks next to it (maybe it's my problem....) .... well maybe it's a fucking good try and of coz i could be wrong....????
but i believe we can regenerate our society, if the generations of 'us' are ready.