image can never be able to tell the story of architecture, but fragments of compression, translating unlimited spatial atmosphere onto a paper without sound, smell, wind, texture, temperature.... anything else except the visual element.

it could however manage to convey an distilled idea of space in particular time and particular environment that would definitely lead you to another layer of space. and it must not be a lie.


occupied us for few nights


can this kind of idea survive at last?

花樣年華 in the mood for love

這是個令所有香港人都懷念的年代,無論房間內的碎花牆紙、蘇麗珍所穿著的中國旗袍、以至冰室內的杯酒碟肉都顯露著港人的思英情緒… 那個時間意識極強的年代經典是無法抗拒的。



Nueva Esperanza School / al bordE

“In our Fisher community, It´s the prettiest thing, having a school with a boat shape in where every day, kinds jump into it and get ready to sail and discover new worlds from their very own intern world full of abilities and potentialities. In where children learn science and technology, valuing the life of the field as an starting point, through the lessons given by the best teacher of all, the nature”

The Teacher