6000 steps

the term 'architect' did not exist in china until the modern time, while the western society started to seriously influence china. before the time we were categorized as 'craftman', who bore the job to design and construct. theoretically everyone could become an 'architect', as long as we possess the desire to construct.we no longer possess the same crucial skills as a craftsman does, and we neglect the importance of craftsmanship - one fundamental element of architecture.  but we are now positioned within the professional framework of the current society. 

there was the story about a man using 50 years of his time, building 6000 steps stairs on a mountain for his wife.  it came out from the fundamental need of human desire, and behavior of nature becomes part of the construction.

no matter how the environment changes, it silently witnesses and takes on the traces through time. this is truly architecture.


weird collapse

came across the old 'news' that a 13-storey building collapsed entirely in shanghai
the photos are just like pieces of photoshop edited... damn


architecture and fashion

In 1926 coco chanel announced her 'little black dress' which was described as 'chanel's ford' by Vogue, as if it was the Model T in the fashion field. It was not only about the outstanding style in fashion in the time, but most importantly the desire of liberty that frees people from the constricting lifestyle. However at the same time, it was so personal.

Today, fashion is an everyday life practice for people, while the breakthrough in 1920s was merely mentioned or remembered. It seems the desire of escaping the current construct through understanding humanity or present issues are overwhelmed by visual exaggeration.

It sounds the same to us in architecture circle, or out in the real practice. Since the 50s modernism rules almost everywhere on the earth, even there were groups like Team X who tried to drag the trend back to a way of concerning humanity, or simply lives of individuals. Sadly they did not end with great success. Nowadays in any different magazines or blogs, 'photography architecture' becomes more and more popular, as they can be captured in just a second and the photos are then being published through the excessive information exchange. This is unlike the classic master pieces and undoubtedly many other architecture by unknown architects, where you could get the other layer of experiences by visiting those constructions even after looking at the photos.

Putting everything into clean and white setting becomes one of the most popular or easy ways to handle architecture. By doing this you can ignore the cultural and historical background of the locations and the individuals' uniqueness. They will present the construction as a background that allows people to express themselves with the most efficient way, like most of the pure white gallery space.

For our generations, architecture does not mean only the construction from a ground-zero setting, but also about transforming the existing environment through the adaptation of time. While the excessive materials world and constructional gestures overwhelmed our natural human behavior and fundamental desires, we are blinded by architecture. Minimization maybe one answer, or we should say it's more a comment on the current situation. Subtraction and distortion of familiarity and everyday perception would reduce the unnecessary gestures of life, and the conscious additives of individual behaivors.

Um.. what could actually help a bit on this situation? Maybe this is also something we would like to figure out in the fall.

food and our little work


Fabric formwork - Miguel Fisac

textile concrete done in casa de Miguel Fisac
manipulation of materials through constructional creativity gives imaginary results, letting the force to shape the construction itself into its own desirable way.


james wines drawings


home moved, school began.
again a fresh start after 2 years.

chinese dinner - august 13th